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The Konesan

Every one of us is born with a spirit attachment – of a benevolent nature. It may be an Ancestral spirit, Sentinel (guardian), or even a High Celestial Intelligence.

All higher intelligence has the ability to influence the thoughts of their “horse” or carrier. These spirits are not fetch/familiar spirits but in fact “konesans” – sacred spirits of the head. If these spirits wish to make you aware of their presence, and you ignore them, this is when they Will influence your life – subtle at first, then on a grander scale to get their “point” across.

Most practitioners of the Arts, wish to contact their Konesans, for guidance, enlightenment, wisdom, and so forth. However, not many succeed in this undertaking. Why?

There are various meditations and trance work, which is circulating in the occult world, good and well – however, very few are effective in establishing the desired contact.

The reason for this is simple: There are many malevolent spirits prowling the astral/spirit world waiting to slip through unto the material world – for reasons which may vary. Once the practitioner is in a trance or meditative state, the vessel and spirit are open to attack and attachment.

We know very well that not all adepts and practitioners will fall victim to this overlooked nuisance, we do however take precautions in our workings lest our egos cater to our downfall. Here are some simple steps to take: (seven-day rite)

1. Divine to discover your “konesan”

2. Once you know who or what you are dealing with, create a link, such as a Govi (spirit house) or Attua. If possible, create a sigil, which links the spirit to you. Create an altar and dedicate it to your Konesan.

3. Use a grounding powder and incense.

4. Ancestral spirits – altar goes West, other intelligence usually North.

5. Place fresh water as an offering daily and flowers etc.

6. Talk daily to your spirit Konesan, and establish a link.

7. Divine daily.

8. On the seventh day, perform a communication trance/meditation…. connection established.

Ain Soph Aur -Patrick Gaffiero


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